Unit 5- The eTwinning social network.

After four weeks collaborating with colleagues from different countries and learning from their feedback given on my project, here you are my final design of it. I have followed the rubric main points (headlines) to make it easier to assess. However, I recommend you to look back on the other posts in order to have a more visual outline.

Last but not least, I would like to finish by saying thank you to all of you because of your help and positive comments, but also for making this course a great meeting point among enthusiastic teachers. I wish we could work together on this or other amazing projects. Let's eTwin!
Here you are my badge!

Project title: DID YOU SMILE TODAY? đŸ˜„


Lessons will run thanks to ICT as students and teachers will use TwinSpace in order to keep in touch via internal messaging, video, chat, etc. Students will work collaboratively so that each group has  two people from each country. Therefore, teachers will foster research and the analysis of results through the assigned tasks.


This project is aimed at making teenagers (14-16) work think of what situations make them feel happy and show a comparison among the different participating countries. Thus, different subjects will play a specific role in it: English as a foreign or first language, social studies and citizenship, maths and ICT.

The main goals of the project are integrated in the different subjects stated above:
1. Promote the expression and management of the emotions. (SOCIAL STUDIES AND CITIZENSHIP)
2. Develop understanding and empathy on others different points of view. (SOCIAL STUDIES AND CITIZENSHIP)
3. Appreciate the use of the English language as a powerful communicative tool among the various languages and cultures. (ENGLISH AS A FL/L1)
4. Initiate and maintain personal and social relations. (SOCIAL STUDIES AND CITIZENSHIP)
5. Encourage the use of ICT tools. (ICT)
6. Foster research and the analysis of results. (MATHS)


Regarding methodology, the learning/teaching community will use TwinSpace platform and different ICT tools (Kahoot, Padlet, Infographics, Google Sheets, Google Docs, etc.), so that they can work collaboratively with their partners (groups made of students from different countries). Teachers will be the ones guiding, helping and showing the students the different steps/tasks, so that they can work autonomously in their groups.


Thanks to the integration of the objectives mentioned above, students will collaborate together in order to do research and come up with a final analysis of the results, which will be published on the high school magazine and/or the town newspaper. The final products will be a research article and an infographic (a visual poster showing the results).


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