
Showing posts from April, 2017

Unit 2- Innovation in the classroom.

As I stated in my profile, I teach English to teenagers. Last year we took a course in our high school which dealt with PBL and I realized teachers should do things differently in our classrooms. I started working together with colleagues from different areas and some of us are still learning to work that way and engaging our students into collaborative tasks in order to motivate them when learning the different subjects. I am aware that this is a hard job and I know I have lots of things to improve. For that reason, I would like to learn more about gamification and working with other areas (cross-curricular tasks/projects), but most of all, I would like to start a collaborative project together with different foreign countries/schools so that my students feel more motivated to use the English language. Regarding best learning/teaching practices, I have found a project and app which could help to improve my lessons. The first one is a project called " etwinauts in (in)vis...

Unit 1- What is eTwinning?

Today I start a new adventure, guided by a group of specialists who are going to show a bunch of teachers how to cross countries borders thanks to nowadays online resources and work collaboratively with other schools/users in order to reach a common goal. My expectations on this MOOC are learning to build online bridges among the different countries in the world so that teachers can offer our students a broader vision that takes account of the different cultures and ways of thinking. For this reason, after reading about eTwinning, I would say that  this digital tool is a super-powerful resource which can make students aware of the various and good uses of the digital tools, improve their written and oral language skills and learn to work collaboratively accepting and respecting other points of view. Here you can find my eTwinning personal definition in less than 140 words.

Personal introduction

If you want to know a little bit more about me, you can have a look at my profile on this blog and you can also watch the video on this post.